Want to Work Together?

A company can only be as forward-thinking as its people.

Seishin International aims at becoming the leading developer of next-generation karate gear and events in the world. Using the incredible powers of social media and online marketing to its fullest, while still embracing the entire scope of the word tradition, Seishin International is the perfect affiliate for somebody who’s ready to think out of the box while remaining true to what’s important.

Is that you?

If you are experienced in business, design, marketing, sales, product development, communications, trade and/or logistics, you can be a part of the Seishin journey. Of course, we will presume you already have a passion for karate.

We would love to see your creative ideas come to life using our supportive environment and collaborative experience – no matter where in the world you are located – as we encourage workforce diversity and excellence above everything.

If you are interested in a career opportunity at Seishin International, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you!